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JSF inputText inputSecret inputTextarea




<h:inputText value="#{loginBean.testString}" readonly="true" />


Input is read-only

<h:inputText value="ABCDEFG" size="5" />


size attribute is the number of characters used to determine the width of this field. The size attribute specifies the number of visible characters in a text field.

<h:inputText value="1234567890" maxlength="6" size="10" />


maxlength attribute decides the maximum number of characters that may be entered in this field.

<h:inputSecret value="#{loginBean.password}" redisplay="true" />



Password is shown after an unsuccessful form submit. If redisplay="false" then filed is displayed empty after an unsuccessful form submit.

If redisplay="true", the text field stores its value between requests and, therefore, the value is redisplayed when the page reloads. If redisplay is false, the value is discarded and is not redisplayed.

<h:inputText value="inputText" style="color: red; background: yellow;" />


Applying style to inputText

<h:inputSecret value="#{loginBean.password}" redisplay="false" />



Password is not shown after an unsuccessful form submit.

<h:inputTextarea rows="6" />


rows attributes defines the number of rows to be displayed.

<h:inputTextarea cols="6" />


cols attribute defines the number of columns to be displayed.

<h:inputTextarea value="ABCDEFGHIJKLM" rows="4" cols="8" />


The current value of this component is ABCDEFGHIJKLM

<h:inputTextarea value="#{loginBean.details}" rows="3" cols="10" />



value is bound to managed bean property


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